Meet Holy Cross Secondary School

Meet Holy Cross Secondary School

Holy Cross Secondary School is an organization with an aim of providing a quality education to children between the ages of 12-18. Previously, the school children had fetched water from a spring well more than 2 miles from the center of the village. The spring well was located at the bottom of a hill, increasing the likelihood of waterborne illnesses as openly defecated materials would flow down hill during the rainy season. 
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Holy Cross Secondary School is an organization with an aim of providing a quality education to children between the ages of 12-18. Previously, the school children had fetched water from a spring well more than 2 miles from the center of the village. The spring well was located at the bottom of a hill, increasing the likelihood of waterborne illnesses as openly defecated materials would flow down hill during the rainy season. The school no longer uses this water source that had previously been shared with animals. The borehole well that we have drilled together is able to produce more than 10,000 liters per hour, and the population has not just benefited from accessing clean drinking water but also clean water in order to bathe themselves as well as for use in the bathrooms. Children are contracting malaria at much lower rates and typhoid has nearly been eliminated from the school! The well has truly created a life altering change for thousands, and the community is beyond thankful for the support. This well was built in partnership with our friends from Babcock and Wilcox!

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